Sunday, July 19, 2009

I really couldn't formulate a blog post that anyone else would think of as worth reading, so I have decided to take Daniella up on the photo challenge.

So if you would like to do it too (or if you too can't currently formulate your own words into cohesive thoughts), here are the directions:
- Open my first photo folder
- Scroll down to the 10th photo
- Post that photo and all the thoughts that come to mind when seeing the pic
- Tag five friends to do the same

This was taken in June of 2006 in Guayaquil, Ecuador. It is actually one of the only pictures that proves that I actually went on the trip! It was the first time I had been out of the country without my family. I was a mission trip for 8 days with my youth group. This picture was taken during on the boardwalk of the main river in Guayaquil and all along the boardwalk is one of the most beautiful botanical gardens you could ever see! I love that country and made some incredible friends at the church down there. Looking at this picture just makes me miss that country and my friends, I hope to sometime be able to go back there! If you ever get the opportunity to go you should definitely pounce on it!! I highly, HIGHLY recommend going!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Only Thing Constant is Change!

So a lot of things have happened since the last time that I wrote! Among many, many other things, I have finalized which college I will be going to. I've applied for more scholarships. I've sorted and sorted through pictures from throughout my life, for GRADUATION!

Yes, that is correct, I am now a high school graduate! I will never again be in school from 7-2 or 8-3:30 or whatever sitting at a desk until the final bell. It's pretty exhilarating to finally be done!! But it's also kinda surreal/scary/weird at the same time!

I had previously talked about my 1st choice school, which I absolutely loved and really, REALLY wanted to go to, well unfortunately the money tree in my backyard bit the dust. So I had wanted to go to Biola University, but I will be attending George Mason University in the fall. It's not that I had wanted but I'm ok the decision, and if God still wants me to be there, somehow there will be a way!

I've also gone to college orientation and am super duper excited to be starting college in the fall! YEAH!!! :)

So now I'm applying (and looking for more!) scholarships, getting ready for college, trying to enjoy the rest of summer, getting ready to become an adult (in 4 days, weird!), and praying that I'm making the right decisions for my future!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

With the Yes', Comes More Trusting

On Monday night I got an amazing call, I have been accepted into the college that I really really want to go to (it is also where I feel in my heart that God is calling me to). I hadn't received anything in the mail for them for a while (and I thought that this was pretty weird), so I really wondering what was happening. It turns out it was just mail issues and I HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED!! I am so excited!! I have trusted to lead me where I am supposed to go, so now I have to wait and trust in Him even more. I have been accepted but now comes the hard part, money.

I am waiting to hear about scholarships and financial aid right. Waiting and trusting in Him some more...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The End Is Closing In

People told me at the beginning of the year that my senior year would fly by and I'm pretty sure that I believed them, but it just seemed like May was so far off that I could take my time and enjoy the year. Well it is now April and I graduate in less than 2 MONTHES! Right now this is now even exciting, it's down right scary. There is soo much to do before graduation: pick out pictures for slide shows, decide if I'm going to have a party, if so when will it be, decide on announcements... This doesn't even include senior pictures (who will do them, what will I wear, where will they be taken, when will they be taken), finalizing where I be going to school next year, how I'm going to pay for school next year... These lists don't even include all of the things that I'm forgetting. A friend of mine who graduated last year told me "I just can't wait till the first day of college to live again, senior year has just been one BIG checklist." I never appreciated the truthfulness of that statement until now. I am so overwhelemed and there are so many decisions to be made, yet I don't know how to make them or where to start. In less than 2 monthes my entire gradeschool career (and it seems as if my childhood too) will be over and gone forever. This is a very sobering thought for me. So many things that I thought were supposed to happen or would happen one way have done a complete 480 degree turn (yes I do know that a circle is 360 degrees). This post has no organization; my brain has spilled into my fingers pressing these keys and it all probably makes no sense. But there is no way for me to organize my current thoughts. I know where I feel God calling me to, but I don't know how to get there or how to afford it. It feels as if I have blindfold on and it won't come off until all the decisions are made. My heart is having a great difficultly trusting in a blind faith in God right now. I know He will protect me and He guides my future, but my brain needs tangibility, it needs to know answers, concrete answers.

My soul is clinging to the truths that are in this song. Although my life seems stuck on the 1st verse, instead continueing on through with the song my life keeps repeating back to the beginning, but my heart wants to continue on but is just stuck at the beginning...

P.S. If you've actually read all of that, wow! I haven't reread these words to even see if they made sense, if I do it will probably all get deleted!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Some Things Are Just Funny

Well this is nothing from my heart, nor anything that I had to do with. But it is late, I'm tired and going to bed. This a video that some students in the film school at the college that I am hoping to go to made. While the title made me think that this video was going to be totally weird, but it made me laugh pretty hard at the end.

I hope that you found this funny too! Good Night....

Friday, March 20, 2009

Waiting & Trusting Aren't the Easiest Things To Do

Right now my life is full of waiting, waiting, and more waiting. I'm waiting to hear which colleges have accepted me. Waiting to here whether, I've been selected for this scholarship or that scholarship. Waiting to see which college will be where will I will be in a matter of only 5 months. Waiting, waiting, and more waiting. I know where I really want to go, a place that I really feel God leading me to. I also know that this college is very expensive. He's worked miracles before, and it will be another one if I can afford to go to this school. I'm trying not to get my sights too set on this school if this is not God's current plan for me, but the trusting part is hard.

I currently have any readers, but I also don't have anything interesting for my "potential readers" to read. So I'll just keep waiting...