So a lot of things have happened since the last time that I wrote! Among many, many other things, I have finalized which college I will be going to. I've applied for more scholarships. I've sorted and sorted through pictures from throughout my life, for GRADUATION!
Yes, that is correct, I am now a high school graduate! I will never again be in school from 7-2 or 8-3:30 or whatever sitting at a desk until the final bell. It's pretty exhilarating to finally be done!! But it's also kinda surreal/scary/weird at the same time!
I had previously talked about my 1st choice school, which I absolutely loved and really, REALLY wanted to go to, well unfortunately the money tree in my backyard bit the dust. So I had wanted to go to Biola University, but I will be attending George Mason University in the fall. It's not that I had wanted but I'm ok the decision, and if God still wants me to be there, somehow there will be a way!
I've also gone to college orientation and am super duper excited to be starting college in the fall! YEAH!!! :)
So now I'm applying (and looking for more!) scholarships, getting ready for college, trying to enjoy the rest of summer, getting ready to become an adult (in 4 days, weird!), and praying that I'm making the right decisions for my future!!
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